Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Saturday July 9 Head Race alert

Tentatively we will be planning a Saturday 0730 AM morning head race scrimmage. Karie/Linda will not be racing, but we look for others to join in the low key event while they are away.  Spread the word and drop me a comment to let me know if potential interest!

Would be a shame if the new club 2X is not participating in some fashion!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Next wekend in Rochester? July 2nd Firecracker 500

Firecracker 500 next weekend July 2nd in Rochester for those who can make it. A great rowing venue. Will get back into more Head races after July 4 weekend.

Time's from today's NADA Regatta 4.67 km course

Men's 1X Todd 22:19
Men's 2X  Craig/Dave 19:35
Women's 2X Karie/Linda 20:52

Saturday, June 25, 2011

WBYC start Sunday morning south end row 730 race start

Current plan is to row the usual WBYC head race course from the south end start, prompt at 730 am.  Weather looks sunny with wind 5 knots out of west. Proceed to the WBYC starting point unless hearing otherwise tomorrow morning at launch time!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Next Head Race Regatta Sunday, June 26 0730 start from South End

Weather looks to clear a bit for Sunday, with WNW winds at 7 knots at 730AM.  We will start from the south end; lets try and get an indication as to whether anyone besides the two WLSC doubles plans to join the 730 am start from the South End.  Todd? Any larger boats.  I think at the dock we can decide if we want to start the course from Schicko's purely on West side, or do the traditional course, but it will be helpful to know if there are other boats thinking of participating...

At this point I would be inclined to make it a West side event, starting at Schicko's tentatively....

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Next Head Race Regatta Sunday, June 26 0730 start from South End

Due to Caz High School Graduation on Saturday morning we are going to row the head race course on Sunday morning, June 26th, at 0730, with a south end start.  Please stay tuned for updates.

I recommend that anyone interested in updates as they are made, to subscribe at the bottom of this website with your email account.  It works well.

Incidentally we are going to inquire to see if the Chargers are interested in having some masters rowers possibly row with them on July 17th.

Trivia question of the day: What is the origin of the eponym "NADA" in NADA REGATTA? First correct answer in the comments section get's a 5 second head start in next weeks race.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Looking good for Saturday 730 AM race start from south end!!

Weather looks good for Saturday morning's race.  730 AM start.

See description below of an alternate equal-distance course on West side of lake that may be opted for if conditions require at the time of race start (start at Schicko's for-sale house with paddleboat, just north of the ski-slalom course, racing up west side, and finish at yellow dock, same 4,760 meters, also a NADA-sanctioned race. There are at least four floating docks to make note of as you row that you wouldn't want to hit during a race!

You can now enter comments on this site, so please drop me a quick comment if you have a boat set and are planning to participate.

Incidentally, we are having preliminary discussions with Syracuse Chargers about joining them during their Sunday morning row time for similar scrimmage events, likely within the next 8 weeks, so stay tuned...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Saturday Head race June 18 0730 AM Looking good, may see a course change to west side of lake

The current forecast winds for Saturday AM are currently 12-15 out of the West, so we may shift the head race course to the west side of the lake for protection from the wind.  Regardless, plan on a south end start of the race, at 730am sharp on Saturday, and we will follow the weather closely, and will update you with a final start location for the race, weather east or west side, as we get closer; finish still will be at the yellow dock at the north end of the lake.  Stay Tuned...

Sunday, June 12, 2011

June 18th Cazenovia Lake, NADA Regatta Head Race scrimmage: Saturday, 730AM start, 4,670 meters

First full head race of the season planned for Saturday, June 18th, 0730 prompt race start from the south end of the lake. Race distance is 4,670 m.  

The starting line at the Willow Bank Yacht Club is defined by the flag pole lined up with a large pine tree behind the yacht club; the finish is abeam the yellow dock at the north end of Caz lake. The shortest between these two points is a straight line!

We will be having weekly head race scrimmage events until the fall head race season is over in November. We will try in general to have these on Saturday mornings, but keep an eye on weather updates each week as the day gets close for shift to another day due to weather.

This is the Jureller finish line for tomorrow Start is 8am sharp 2K up the lake


Saturday, June 11, 2011

Race postponed til Sunday

15 knot south winds with swells on racecourse, will postpone until sunday 8am start north end of 3k course.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Theft Warning....Gypsy Bay FYI


    Last night, the Madison County Sheriff stopped Marie to tell/warn her that there has been a series of thefts around Gypsy Bay. I have since learned it is wider than that. He told us to leave NOTHING on the picnic table and lock everything at all times. All keys, jewelry, phones, etc. should go into the shed before you leave the dock and the shed will be locked. Lock your cars in the parking lot and leave nothing visible through the windows.

"Jureller's Strip 3k" Race still on for Saturday, maybe a Sunday one TOO!!!

First Jureller Strip Race still starts at 8am Saturday  ending at south end of 3k course.  Of  note Sunday forecast is improving so we may  have a chance for a second event, on Sunday, same course 8AM prompt start for another 3K Jureller Reprise.  Winds are currently forecast out of the West at 10 Sunday so might be pretty do-able on that course. Will update about Sunday, but plan for sure on Saturday 8am start!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Jureller Strip Schedule Change due to Forecast Weather

Will Plan to schedule race for Saturday, June 11 8 am prompt start. Note this is a change of day. Winds are forecasts currently 5 knots ESE, temperature 61 degrees, better than Sunday's, which is >16 knots therefore reason for the change.

Same planned course, 3K down West side of Lake.

I will plan to time the race from a motor-boat.  Start will be at the North end of the race course, just south of Rothchild's Point, at the new boathouse being built. I will start race at 8am sharp.  Finish will be at Jureller's camp.  (Watch for ski course in the south bay beyond the finish...)

I will watch for emails related to this event at over next 24 hours.

Monday, June 6, 2011

"Jureller's Strip 3k" Race coming up!!!!

Planned for this Sunday, 8am: likely start time of the next scrimmage event which will be a 3,000 meter race.  Depending on conditions, we will either start or finish at the Jureller Floating Dock, which is the first floating dock north of the ski slalom course.  The other end of the 3,000 meter course is the house that sits one house south of where the new dock construction is on-going, we used it as our finish for the 2,000 meter races this last weekend, just north of the Bethany Retreat center. Make a note of these landmarks as you train this week!

Tentative Sunday Head Race June 12, Start Time is 8AM Sharp at North End Stay Posted

This is a first entry for what I hope will be a regular series of weekly head races, the goal being to prepare us well to perform in the fall Head Race Season.  Please link to this site if interested, check regularly for weather updates and time changes.